DB Explorer

DB Explorer is an easy-to-use application that lets you manage any JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) compliant database. It provides connectivity to wide-range of SQL databases through their JDBC drivers. This makes it completely different from other single database centric applications.
Features like simple tabbed-interface to run SQLs query, Schema-Browser, multiple database connections in a session and powerful CSV export/import makes it perfect tool to manage any database.
It is a standalone EXE application (JRE required) but it is designed to harness the power of JDBC to manage any database. It is bundled in Windows Installer file for easy installation.
DB Explorer is also available as eclipse plugin.
DB Explorer is open source now.It is hosted at http://code.google.com/p/db-explorer/.

Checkout the new DBExplorer 2.0. It is based on Eclipse RCP platform with lots of new features.

License :

DB Explorer is released under Freeware license.

Download :

File/Version/SizeDownload Link
DBExplorer-Setup.exe 1.0.1 (1.7 MB)Main Site
DBExplorer-Setup.exe 1.0.1 (1.7 MB)Get it from CNET Download.com!

Please note JRE/JDK (1.4+) is required to run Database Explorer.
If you have any questions please email to dbexplorer@sheelapps.com.

Changes in 1.0.1 :

Features :

Usage :

Support any Database with JDBC driver. Just copy(not classpath) driver's jar file to <install-dir>/ext-jars folder and launch DB Explorer.
For example, to connect to MySQL database, just copy (not classpath) mysql-connector-java-xxxx-bin.jar file to ext-jars folder and launch DB Explorer.
In Settings Window,
-Select JDBC driver (com.mysql.jdbc.Driver).
-Enter Database URL (for example, jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/test)
-Enter Database User and Password (if required).
-Hit Ok button and you are ready to go.
You can change connection anytime by using Settings Window. Each Connection information(same or different database) will be maintained, so you can switch to any connection in active session.
Note: DB Explorer does not need any JDBC driver file to connect to ODBC connection.

Screenshots :

Main Window

DB Explorer Eclipse (3.0+) plugin :

Download the DB Explorer eclipse plugin (40 KB) and unzip it to /plugins folder.

Usage :

-To use any JDBC driver, copy driver's jar file to <dbpluginfolder>/lib and add jar to <dbpluginfolder>/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF's "Bundle-Classpath" attribute.
For example : Bundle-ClassPath: dbexplorer.jar, lib/mysql.jar, lib/db2java.jar
Note: Don't remove the dbexplorer.jar. It is required for plugin.
-Set the JDBC connection properties in Preference-> DB Explorer.
-In Eclipse, DB Explorer has two views. One for executing SQLs and another for Schema Explorer.
-Also Export/Import are under Eclipse's Import/Export wizard.

Screenshots :

DB Explorer Eclipse Plugin