How WebBlocks Works

 It is very easy to understand the functioning of WebBlocks by looking into the URL of any WebBlock's webpage.

How WebBlocks Works

  Each WebBlocks webpage URL has following core components.

Page Group :

A page group identifies the collection of pages in WebBlocks system. There are default groups (and pages) created during setup

By grouping pages WebBlocks provides following features :

Creating a new group is easy, just enter the new group name as part of URL and system will prompt you with "create" option.

Page Name :

A page name identifies a page in WebBlocks system. Each page can be designed as pure HTML page (using WYSIWYG editor), BBCode page or smarty template page.

  As smarty template page you have ability to include other WebBlocks pages and perform more dynamic operations. A WebBlocks page can also be a standalone page (with its own <HTML> root tag).

Creating a new page is same as creating group, just enter the new page name as part of URL and system will prompt you with "create" option. If the page group is new it will create page group also.
WebBlocks has custom smarty functions to easily manage pages and group. For more information see WebBlocks smarty functions.

So, the core of WebBlocks is combination of Wiki style pages (but no WiKi markup),  dynamic content and page security.